
Cell receiving notifications and the free green number 1111

In accordance with Executive Decree No. 16-334 of December 19, 2016, setting the conditions and modalities for the organization and functioning of the National Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Childhood, as well as its internal system, the National Commission was provided with a free green number “1111” and a cell to receive notifications of violations of children’s rights, in addition to other notification mechanisms Which is represented in receiving the notifiers at the headquarters of the National Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Childhood, e-mail and regular mail, in addition to the automatic intervention of the National Commissioner.

Notification is defined as any notification of a situation where a child’s right is violated, or of any situation in which the child’s health, morals, upbringing or security is at risk or exposed to him, or where his living conditions or behavior are likely to expose him to potential danger or harmful to his future, or is in An environment that endangers his physical, psychological or educational safety.

In order to encourage the widespread dissemination of a culture of dangers of violations of children’s rights, the law exempts natural and legal persons who have submitted a notification in good faith from any administrative, civil or penal responsibility, even if the investigation does not lead to any result. Notify him and not reveal his identity and disclose it except with his consent.

The cell receiving notifications of violating the rights of the child is tasked with receiving and processing notifications submitted by the child himself, his legal representative, or any natural or legal person.
This cell is made up of psychologists, sociologists and legal specialists, distributed in three groups that work alternately, supervised by two project leaders.

The green number 1111 was actually launched on April 1, 2018, and it is a national toll-free number (includes all the states of the country), and it can be contacted via landline or mobile phone with various dealers (Mobilis / Gezi / Ooredoo), and it is an easy-to-use number, which does not appear on The itemized invoice for the phone maintains the confidentiality of the notifier's identity.
The employees of the cell transform and formulate the content of the notifications into data to be filled in cards called the notification receiving form by the green toll-free number 1111.

The notifications receiving cell operates in a rotation system with teams throughout the day to activate a dynamic that allows attracting the largest number of notifications. The employees of this cell have been able to adapt and adapt to various situations, answer the inquiries and questions of callers, and work to define the tasks of the National Authority and enhance the culture of reporting any violation of rights The child in our society, this is in order to reach the protection of the child in danger and to prevent everything that could affect his physical and psychological safety that might affect his upbringing, his security or his morals or harm his future.

The commission investigates notifications of violations of the rights of the child, through the interests of the medium open for investigation and taking appropriate measures to remove danger from the child, or juvenile judges in case of danger threatening the child and requiring his removal from his family, or to the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, in the case of notifications that bear a description penally.
In other cases, notifications are processed with representatives of ministerial sectors, members of the permanent coordination committee of the authority, including those related to ensuring the right of the child to health and education... With the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the tasks of the notification cell expanded to keep pace with the various situations and events experienced by the Algerian family, To provide remote psychological counseling, accompany children and their parents, as well as respond to their concerns during the quarantine period.

Law No. 12-15 of Ramadan 28, 1436 corresponding to July 15, 2015 relating to child protection stipulates in Article 2 the following:
In the meaning of this law, the following means:
- “Child”: Every person who has not reached the age of eighteen (18) complete years. The term “juvenile” has the same meaning.
- “Child in Danger”: a child whose health, morals, upbringing or security are at risk or exposed, or whose living conditions or behavior would expose him to potential danger or harm his future, or who is in an environment that threatens his physical, psychological or educational safety at risk.
Among the situations that put the child at risk are:
- the loss of the child's parents and his/her remaining without a family support,
Exposing the child to neglect or homelessness,
infringement of his right to education,

begging or exposing a child to beggary,
The inability of the parents or the person caring for the child to control his behavior that might affect his physical, psychological or educational safety,
The apparent and continuous failure in education and care,
- ill-treatment of the child, in particular by subjecting him to torture, assaulting his physical integrity, detaining him, preventing him from eating, or performing any cruel act that affects the emotional or psychological balance of the child;

If the child is the victim of a crime by his legal representative,
If the child is the victim of a crime committed by any other person, if the child’s interests require his protection,
- Sexual exploitation of the child in all its forms, through his exploitation, especially in pornography, in prostitution and his involvement in sexual performances,

The economic exploitation of the child, in particular by employing him or assigning him a job that prevents him from continuing his studies or that is harmful to his health or his physical and/or moral integrity, - the child being a victim of armed conflicts and other situations of unrest and instability;
Refugee child.
- “Delinquent Child”: a child who commits a criminal act and who is at least ten (10) years old. The lesson is in determining his age on the day the crime was committed.
- “Refugee Child”: a child who has been forced to flee his country, crossing an international border and seeking asylum or any other form of international protection.